Page 5 - September 2015 Gears & Ears
P. 5
Gears and Ears
Journal of the Rotary Club of Lake Buena Vista
December 2014 2015 Page 5
Page 5
My Mexican Makeup -- Luis Figueroa (Continued)
Us with most of the board of the Rotary Club of Coyoacán
The other event was the district breakfast two days later.
The night before, I decided to drink tap water and got sick
for 24hrs so I could not attend the breakfast. My dad, wearing
our pin, went as their honored guest and had a great time
with all of them. At the end of the breakfast, one of the future
governors asked my dad if he wanted to exchange pins with
him, which they did. Few days later, they called me to check
on how I was feeling.
México is a diamond ready to be polished. The people are
very kind, the streets are immaculately clean, the metro is
very efficient and inexpensive, real estate is booming and
more companies are moving to Distrito Federal to establish
their businesses there.
In conclusion, I felt very comfortable with a country that has
it all, from a solid economy to a broad market system. --
Dr. Octavio Figueroa (candidate for governor), my dad,
Luis Figueroa, and incoming governor 2016-2017.