Page 3 - September 2015 Gears & Ears
P. 3
Gears and Ears
Journal of the Rotary Club of Lake Buena Vista
December 2014 2015 Page 3
Page 3
ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE: study-abroad opportunity
for young people who spend anywhere from a few
weeks to a full year as an international student hosted
by local Rotary Clubs. More than 8,000 students
participate each year. At the Rotary International
Convention, I was able to see an amazing example of
this program:
Thanks to the efforts of immediate Past President Marti Trieschmann, and the Rotary Club of
International Drive, the goal of sponsoring a Rotaract Club at Rosen School of Hospitality is
coming closer to reality. It has taken some time and effort to put the pieces together. Recently,
Marti was able to successfully obtain a major component, a President for the Rotaract to start
recruiting members. It was fortuitous that Kiersta Rommerdahl, the daughter of our very own
Shawn Rommerdahl, will be attending Rosen school of Hospitality as a freshman this year.
Kiersta is on board, and eager to take on this challenge. Part of our job as a Club is to mentor
plus provide logistic support as necessary. So, if your vocation or personal skill can aid in this
effort, please let us know.
Our Club has been and continues to be a supporter of RYLA, a program that positively impacts
the lives of many youngsters. This program is a great investment and has been very successful
at the District level. So much so, that our District has expanded the program this Rotary year
to include two sessions, one on November 20 - 24, 2015 and another on April 13 - 17, 2016.
Club member Pam Elliot did an awesome job coordinating this program for our Club this past
Rotary year and now Francisco Infantini is excited about working this program, especially after
his son participated back in April.
One of my goals as president is to have 5 members, including myself, attend at least one or
more Rotaract and/or Interact meetings. Please assist me in achieving this goal. Is New
Generations service your passion? Then get involved! Reach out to me or contact Francisco.
We can certainly use your help!
Rommel at the RI Convention with members of the
Interact CLub of District 5170 along with Kevin
Shendok of Kissimmee Bay, Past District Governor Rick
Baines, and Evan Todd of the KIssimmee West Club.